Wednesday, August 11, 2010

We are on another hot streak with 8-10 days over 100 degrees. even swimming pools are hot. We have been in our home now long enough where all the applicances are wearing out and all about the same time. finally when you get out of most pay ments then the ongoing expenses. Oh well its only money. I reach a miolestone the end of this month as it will be my 5 yer anniversary of the known battle with the brain cancer. All is well and get another MRI in October. My poor wife Linda still hs the broken foot that is so slow to heal and is so tired of the "boot" and the funny way it makes you walk and causes many other things to hurt. Grandchildren are as fun as we have been told if you can deal with the dynamics of the relationships that caused the grandchildren.My youngest child is also pregnant, not married, so slow to learn, so th is is a mixed blessing. thanks for the ongoing prayers that is why I am still here. Jim and Linda



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