Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Good Progress and won't quit

It has been a week and a half since out of the Heart Hospital for the two samll clots and the pneumonai. I feel good and off all antibiotics now. I was started on the usual blood thinner Coumadin and was prepared to go taht route. It inferfers with everything and eating good and can't take most any suppliment. I had a wise Cardiologist who suggested a new medicine tht was not approved here yet but used in Europe for this. It is call Pradaxa and now I take it and can eat what I want and eat healthy salads and take all my suppliments. It requires no moniters and take two pills daily. Like all these things be careful of injury or wounds so I have to be a good boy and calm down. I see the lung doctor tomorrow and he will be somewhat surprised but I don't care and this approach is good for me. so much for following the doctors routine advice rather than individualiziing to patient. This too will pass. Jim Hogin May 11, 2011



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