This is an update for Dr. Jim Hogin. Please continue to pray for his health and full healing. Because responding to so many people can become overwhelming, we again we ask that you not post to this site but rather just use it as a read only tool. Thank you for your prayers and concern. There is no question that the prayers of God's people have sustained me and the main reason I'm doikng so well. MY last MRI one week ago was great with no evidence of recurrent or residujal disease. Praise God. I/m still needing lots of prayers and need some doors to open at UCLA so I can get on the clinical study they initually said I could particate in. I need God to open this door as I've tried all I can and they don't communcate very well with me or my doctors. I've learned a lot about waiting on the Lord and how to use it for spiritual growth instead of heartburn. Thanks everybody Linda and I love and appreciate you. While waiting on God remember He has a perfect time for all things and in His perfect timing there is safety. This waiting is for His glory. He knows when we are ready for the things He has planned and prepared for our lives. This also controls our tendency toward self-sufficiency and pride. It also reveals more of His nature to show His mercy, comfort and power.This reveals more of His nature to show His power, Mercy, comfort and love. This is just a start of the many things the Lord has taught me during these times and I will update this as least weekly to reveal more of God's instruction to me. God bless all of you. Dr Jim Hogin My e-mail is I need lots of prayers for my disablity hearing as it is now being tgurned over to a judge and I pray he will judge righteously so this can go to a jury. Thanks again Dr Jim