Friday, November 30, 2007

Always changing events

As is as good as can be with good reports on my MRI and a recent visit to the Oncologist. We are also in the process of reducing some of the seizure medicine. One shouldn't neglect routine health care and I had the black snake today and all was well. It is guaranteed to lose a few pounds in the colon prep but to many a surprise there was a lot more left of me than you would have thought after all that purging. It tends to give on a chapped ----- oh well the test doesn't hurt and it is over so quickly and safe. I used to do a lot of those in my previous vocation so it was my turn to be on the receiving end ( so to speak). It is definitely better to give than receive, I had a special guest the day before from San Antonio that wanted my to helpwith a research project of taking a natural tratment for HIV and Hep C to the Indians that has been so far 100% successful with no side effects. All it will cost is some office visits and lab the product we will dispense free we want to data so we can take this to large scales to help mankind. ou can do a lot lof testing on sovergn Indian land without all the regulations. Oh well we will see if this happens as the Lord moves in strange ways as this was the man I saw early in the course of the cancer that gave me some of his nutrional aids.. Who know if it helped it sure didn't hurt. UCLA called that day and I am to go there for a booster shot on Jan 9 and I know that whole process was all God but it was all of the Lord. Lots to prepare for Christmas and gettinga the house makeover is hard but always rewarding. God bless all of you. Keep Praying for wisdom and guidance and I can be used of the Lord. Dr Jim

Friday, November 23, 2007


Another incredible bounty and how blessed to have such abundance to eat and gather with friends and family. We had the whole gang at our house again this years and that makes it special as some come from Dallas, Tulsa and Wichita. My wife's family has always gathered together at Thanksgiving and we have continued that tradition. All is well and gaining in strength. The office is too slow and it needs to pick up to remain more viable so some prayers that the practice would grow would be most appreciate. The neurologist spoke of reducing my medicines and I'm in favor of it as my last MRI 2 weeks ago remains good and neuro exams are normal. I also see the oncologist soon so we will judge if more rounds of chemo is wise, it is her call. I wrote an instruction sheet for her as she felt I had done better than any one she had treated with these medicines and wants to know my hints for improvement. so I will give her one and sent one to the Oklahoma Brain Tumor Foundation as it may help someone there. I need prayers for the doors to open as to the direction for my practice . God bless you. Dr Jim and family

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New MRI result

Today is Nov 14 and everything went so well. My MRI report was good like the last several. I was called by the radiologist later with the good news. Being a doctor who used to practive there has some benefits. I believed it was going to be good but there is always some degree of anxiousness. I feel good ans still take a lot of great nutritional suppliments. I sure believe the glyconutrients are worth looking into for anyone with a chronic or serious health risk or condition. God is so good please keep up the prayers. Dr Jim