Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Christmas was so special as my whole family was here even my oldest Kerry from Seattle who arrived Christmas eve after all the problems arriving from the west coast with the winter storms.We also had some special guests and one friend of my daughters had no parents so it was great to be be a pinch hitter and talk about the goodness of the lord. I have now exceeded everyone longest prediction of my survival and it is directly related to the prayers of God's people as often I can feel some of these as the day progresses. A new round of chemo starts tomorrow so I'm getting my mind set to do my best and praise the Lord reguardless. This was so special to me this years as I had a great time and was able to more enjoy giving and receiving without as much concern of one other thing my wife will have to dispose of later if things don't go very well. In the next few weeks we will meet before the judge so pray for justice, proper reimbursement and if God wills so extra to help others the Lord has laid on my heart and to pay off growing debt. We love you.
Jim, Linda family

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Continued good news. DEC 20

I recovered from the second bull that broke through my fence but this time we got no help from my so called neighbors who own the darn thing. I'd shot it but it would set up a Hatfields vs the McCoys situation. I just want a repaired fence. Life for me is never boring as trying to chase him out I fell and he turned at me. Fortunately as I rolled across the rough ground I scared him away. This city boy has about had it with these animals. My visit with the Oncologist was good today and I will start more chemo after Christmas. All of my girls will be home for Christmas so that is so special. We are now getting a few checks from the insurance company so keep up the prayers and I have a hearing before the judge in early Januarty and need lots of prayers that the right things happen. This Christmas has been so special with the Lord so real and all the people the Lord has put into my life. I appreciate all the so called little things and see and feel joy in all.We had a wonderful candlelight Lord's supper at church that was so special to me. God bless you all as He has me and my family in these tough times. It is a shame it takes such a beating to be so close to the Lord, so I beg you to get ther earlier. Thanks Dr Jim and family

Monday, December 11, 2006


Today the neighbors bull tore through my back fence and made a major mess. This is the third time and we finally trapped him and had the neighbor who owned the bull take him to market.. My wive's neice visited us last night and her friend who was driving was taken custody by the police so I had several visits with the highway patrol. Lots of stress doesn't help. At work a wonderful school teacher that was on the verge of a nervous breakdown 3 weeks ago, I was able to help, get him some rest, good medicne and some prayer and Christian counceling. He was a loved teacher teacher of the years and he loved so much what he did and knew he wasn't doing the right job. Today he broght in about 35 or 40 hand made cards from each of the kids in his class that thanked me for getting their beloved teacher back and lots of prayers and wonderful thoughts and comments. It sure makes your eyes tear up. These hand made notes are precious and I'm going to review them any time I get a little down. I still am waiting on UCLA and the rest so please keep up the prayers. Dr Jim and Linda

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Things are going quit well and I still take monthly chemotherapy which makes one somewhat weak and want to take frequent naps, that isn't all bad as I get a few. It also messes up your gut but it has been worth it as everything is going well. I've had the opportunity to minister to a few people that the Lord has lead to me and pray with them. this illness has opened a few doors and I may getr an opportunity to preach some of the material the Lord has taught me soon. Still waiting on UCLA to respond on the new study that I supposedly am qualified. So please keep up the prayers as I'm going to fight the good fight. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. We love and so appreciate all of you.
Jim and Linda and girls