Thursday, January 25, 2007

The battle continues

Our day in the settlement hearing was most disappointing to Linda and myself as the insurance company was completely unreasonable and they even ticked off the judge. It is only his job to get the parties to agree to a price so I tried hard but they wouldn't budge so we are going to court on Feb 12th for the real thing. All of my girls will have to testify and come in from Seattle, change vacation plans and ruin one of their weeks but this must be what the Lord has in mind as we were well prayed up for this event. Also chemo started the same evening so it's been a tough week, but I'm learning to praise the Lord anyway as He has a better solution. At least it gives you peace of mind while you wait and reduces the stress. Repeat MRI is coming up before the trial so Feb will be strained. Please pray for justice, peace and continued healing. Thanks JIm and Linda

Friday, January 12, 2007


I'm feeling real good and most people say I look better and better. I never did hear that before. Usually aren't you getting grayer? We( Linda and I) have a hearing before Judge Russel on January 24 to determine where we go from here on our disability issues and can we come to a setlement or go to court. I just want true justice and lots of prayers on this as I have been working toward this for almost a year. I'm getting a lot of year end tax things put together as we are iced in and its hard and dangerous to go anywhere. My family is continually cautioning me to not fall and by all means don't hit your head especially the left side that has had two craniotomies. I assure them all I would sacrifice my body to do all to protect that from injury. I think they are a little paranoid but I realize as a guy we go aheads and do stupid things without thinking. I do think a lot about the wonderful people all over that are praying for me and that makes all the difference. I'm to see the oncologist this week so I anticipate a good report. God bless you all. Dr JIm