Hard work but not at my calling
I'm working severaql shifts at a welfare clinic for some friends where one of their doctors was diagnosed with lymphoma insides the abdomen and dthat has a real bad outlook. I know how many people helped substitute for me so it is a little payback for others and I generate some income. So far haven't been paid but I expect them to honor what they said. I spoke tonight at the Oklahome Brain tumor foundation meeting and informed them on many of the fine nutritional products out there that I believe have a lot of merit. I gave them some web sites including my own at www.drhogin.com and I tried to not be a salesman but it is hard to find some of these specialty items that we have made available for patients with chronic conditions and cancers. We have a very dedicated group of directors that try so hard to get current good reliable info to our patients. The director lost her son to a brain cancer so she is very driven. keep up the prayers as that is what sustains me and I feel someone is praying sometimes I know that is hard to explain but it is so true. Luv Dr Jim