Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas

What a special and blessed time of the year. The manger scene is so precious and there are a lot of reminders of the joy of Jesus and His greatest gift (himself). Life is busy and we in central Oklahoma have had the fun of ice storms and the tree damage and power outages. We sure take all of this for granted. The whole family will be together for Christmas which is becoming more difficult as each goes their own way. We are going to take a family cruise which is something we have never done so we want to make memories while we can. I'm a walking miracle with over 2 plus years of doing well and no signs of disease and I believe it is gone forever. I still get MRIs every 4-6 months and am still on several meds. I meet with my neuralogist today and I hope he will r educe some of my meds. The office is picking up which is a blessing and very needed. UCLA called me so I get to go out for a booster vaccine in January which is what I had been hoping for. I still have some Christmas shopping to get done so that happens a little at a time. Merry Christmas and be thankful, we have so much and each da y is special to me and all of you who read this, send notes, cards, pray and encourage me are a major part of what sustains me. God's blessings to all. Dr Jim and Linda