Friday, February 27, 2009

Taxes, taxes, taxes is what I worked on all day. I'm having a lot of trouble with my own situation and the complexities with all the medical issues I face and the tax and all the forms from the business that has recently closed and the aftermath of little anoying problems. I am ashamed of my fretting and I should be praising for having a job and enough to get by. Still moe bills than should be but most are still medical and related to the closing and transition.God is still good and I am now glad to be almost over the clinical trial and all the stress and expense that it required, Fortunatly I have found a good accountant that has been a great help and reasonable as I sure need some help there. I need the Lord to close out an audit of my retirement plan tht has been so expensive and stressful and still no end or in my opinion justice. Please pray for that and mercy. Jim and Linda Hogin


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Iwas finally notifed after several attempts to find some answers from UCLA that my last vaccine would be April 3rd, my birthday. Initially I was upset but found out from the study that there was no benefit to more shots and they wanted to have some vaccine left in case or need later it is found a later boost is better. I am more at peace and will save over $1200 for each visitl Please keep up the prayers. Dr Jim
