Hot summer is here
We hit over 100 for the last 3 days so we now hope for cold fronts and moisture. All is otherwise good and sure enjoying some time with grandbaby Elley. She is growing on schedule and a fair eater, a little fussy. Linda helps and Jessica is being a good mommy. She rides well in the car and has been to the lake a few times and hope again over the 4th of July. All the family will be t here and wwe pick up Kerry in Tulsa so it will be closer to Grand Lake. We had to put a new roof on the cabin, it really needed it but we sure didn't like the timing. We are in a time hen a lot needs to be fixed or replaced and so far have only begun on the list. I am doing well and don't misss the UCLA trips but when TV shows LA we see some of the places we have been and especially in the Westwood area by UCLA medical center. Please keep up the prayers all is working and I still take some meds and lots of suppliments. Dr Jim and Linda