Awaiting IRS
There always seems to be a thief at the door to take away your peace and finances. I still have this audit on my retirement plan that needs an intervention so I can proceed without much debt and penalty. They want me to make contributions for the years I fought brain cancer and had to shut down the practice.I'm praying for mercy. Otherwise all is well. Good MRI report, feel good and the family is well, grandbaby a blesssing. Was able to go to a good nut riition meeting this weekend and learned a few other pearls to help others and myself. Linda and I got to go to an OU football game and had d good time and a nice day. finally no rain. We have had a lot. finally got a little peace as Linda's sister was so ill and on a respirator in Tulsa so a lot of stress and running back and forth. She is now home but week. Work is steady and busy with all the swine flu concerns and overreactions. Please continue to lift us up for healing and the Lord's mercy on us with the IRS. Dr Jim